pynestml.frontend package


pynestml.frontend.frontend_configuration module

class pynestml.frontend.frontend_configuration.FrontendConfiguration

Bases: object

This class encapsulates all settings as handed over to the frontend at start of the toolchain.

argument_parser = None
codegen_opts: Mapping[str, Any] = {}
codegen_opts_fn = ''
classmethod get_codegen_opts()

Get the code generator options dictionary

classmethod get_files()

Returns a list of all files to process. :return: a list of paths to files as str. :rtype: list(str)

classmethod get_is_dev()

Returns whether the development mode has been enabled. :return: True if development mode is enabled, otherwise False. :rtype: bool

classmethod get_logging_level()

Returns the set logging level. :return: the logging level :rtype: LoggingLevel

classmethod get_module_name()

Returns the name of the module. :return: the name of the module. :rtype: str

classmethod get_provided_input_path() Sequence[str]

Returns the list of file and directory names as supplied by the user. :return: a list of file and directory names

classmethod get_target()

Get the name of the target platform. :return: None or “” in case no code needs to be generated :rtype: str

classmethod get_target_path()

Returns the path to which models shall be generated to. :return: the target path. :rtype: str

classmethod handle_codegen_opts_fn(codegen_opts_fn)

If a filename of a JSON file containing code generator options is passed on the command line, read it into a Python dictionary

classmethod handle_input_path(path) None

Sets cls.paths_to_compilation_units with a list of absolute paths to NESTML files.

Use glob to search directories recursively.

classmethod handle_module_name(module_name)

parse or compose the module name

classmethod handle_target(target)
classmethod handle_target_path(path)
is_dev = False
logging_level = None
module_name = None
classmethod parse_config(args)

Standard constructor. This method parses the :param args: a set of arguments as handed over to the frontend :type args: list(str)

paths_to_compilation_units = None
provided_input_path = None
classmethod set_codegen_opts(codegen_opts)

Set the code generator options dictionary

store_log = False
suffix = ''
target = None
target_path = None

pynestml.frontend.pynestml_frontend module