Running NESTML

From the command line

After the installation, the toolchain can be executed by the following command.


where arguments are:



-h or --help

Print help message.


One or more input path(s). Each path is a NESTML file, or a directory containing NESTML files. Directories will be searched recursively for files matching ‘*.nestml’.


(Optional) Path to target directory where generated code will be written into. Default is target, which will be created in the current working directory if it does not yet exist.


(Optional) The name of the target platform to generate code for. Default is NEST.


(Optional) Sets the logging level, i.e., which level of messages should be printed. Default is ERROR, available are [DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, NO]


(Optional) Sets the name of the module which shall be generated. Default is the name of the directory containing the models. The name has to end in “module”. Default is nestmlmodule.


(Optional) Stores a log.txt containing all messages in JSON notation. Default is OFF.


(Optional) A suffix string that will be appended to the name of all generated models.


(Optional) Enable development mode: code generation is attempted even for models that contain errors, and extra information is rendered in the generated code. Default is OFF.


(Optional) Path to a JSON file containing additional options for the target platform code generator.

Generated artifacts are copied to the selected target directory (default is target). In order to install the models into NEST, the following commands have to be executed from within the target directory:

cmake -Dwith-nest=<nest_install_dir>/bin/nest-config .
make all
make install

where <nest_install_dir> is the installation directory of NEST (e.g. /home/nest/work/nest-install). Subsequently, the module can either be linked into NEST (see Writing an extension module), or loaded dynamically using the Install API call. For example, to dynamically load a module with module_name equal to nestmlmodule in PyNEST:


From Python

PyNESTML is also available as a Python package, and can therefore be used from within other Python tools and scripts. After PyNESTML has been installed, the following functions have to be imported:

from pynestml.frontend.pynestml_frontend import to_nest, install_nest

Subsequently, it is possible to call PyNESTML from other Python tools and scripts via calls to to_nest(), which generates the C++ code for NEST, and install_nest(), which compiles and builds the code into a NEST extension module and installs it to the NEST install directory. to_nest() can be called as follows:

to_nest(input_path, target_path, logging_level, module_name, store_log, dev)

This operation expects the same set of arguments as in the case of command line invocation. The following default values are used, corresponding to the command line defaults. Possible values for logging_level are the same as before (‘DEBUG’, ‘INFO’, ‘WARNING’, ‘ERROR’, ‘NO’). Note that only the input_path argument is mandatory:





str or Sequence[str]

no default

















Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]

(Optional) A JSON equivalent Python dictionary containing additional options for the target platform code generator. These options are specific to a given target platform, see for example Running NESTML with custom templates.

If no errors occur, code for the target platform will be generated into the specified target directory. The code is then compiled and built into a NEST extension module and installed to the NEST install directory by the following call.

install_nest(target_path, nest_path)

Here, target_path should be set to the target directory of to_nest(), and nest_path points to the directory where NEST is installed (e.g., /home/nest/work/nest-install). This path can conveniently be obtained from the nest module as follows:

import nest
nest_path = nest.ll_api.sli_func("statusdict/prefix ::")

A typical script, therefore, could look like the following. For this example, we assume that the name of the generated module is nestmlmodule.

from pynestml.frontend.pynestml_frontend import to_nest, install_nest

to_nest(input_path="/home/nest/work/pynestml/models", target_path="/home/nest/work/pynestml/target")

install_nest("/home/nest/work/pynestml/target", "/home/nest/work/nest-install")

# ...

Running NESTML with custom templates

NESTML generates model-specific C++ code for the NEST simulator using a set of Jinja templates. By default, NESTML uses the templates in the directory pynestml/codegeneration/resources_nest/point_neuron. (For more information on code generation using templates, see Section 3.1: AST Transformations and Code Generation.)

The default directory can be changed through --codegen_opts by providing a path to the custom templates as an option in a JSON file. (Note that this parameter also exists in the to_nest() function.)

nestml --input_path models/neurons/iaf_psc_exp.nestml --codegen_opts /home/nest/work/codegen_options.json

An example codegen_options.json file is as follows:

         "path": "/home/nest/work/custom_templates",
         "model_templates": {
             "neuron": ["NeuronClass.cpp.jinja2", "NeuronHeader.h.jinja2"],
             "synapse": ["SynapseHeader.h.jinja2"]
         "module_templates": ["setup/CMakeLists.txt.jinja2",

The templates option in the JSON file contains information on the custom Jinja templates to be used for code generation. * The path option indicates the root directory of the custom Jinja templates. * The model_templates option indicates the names of the Jinja templates for neuron and synapse model(s) or relative path to a directory containing the neuron and synapse model(s) templates. * The module_templates option indicates the names or relative path to a directory containing the Jinja templates used to build a NEST extension module.

The codegen_opts can also be passed to the PyNESTML function to_nest as follows:

from pynestml.frontend.pynestml_frontend import to_nest

options = {
         "path": "/home/nest/work/custom_templates",
         "model_templates": {
             "neuron": ['NeuronClass.cpp.jinja2', 'NeuronHeader.h.jinja2'],
             "synapse": ['SynapseHeader.h.jinja2']
         "module_templates": ["setup"]

to_nest(input_path, target_path, logging_level, module_name, store_log, dev, options)

Running in NEST 2.* compatibility mode

To generate code that is compatible with NEST Simulator major version 2 (in particular, 2.20.*), use the following for the code generator dictionary (this is extracted from tests/nest_tests/

codegen_opts = {
    "templates": {
        "path": os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, os.pardir, 'pynestml', 'codegeneration',
                             'resources_nest', 'point_neuron_nest2'),
        "model_templates": ['NeuronClass.cpp.jinja2', 'NeuronHeader.h.jinja2'],
        "module_templates": ['setup/CMakeLists.txt.jinja2', 'setup/SLI_Init.sli.jinja2',
                             'setup/ModuleHeader.h.jinja2', 'setup/ModuleClass.cpp.jinja2']

The templates are in the directory pynestml/codegeneration/resources_nest/point_neuron_nest2.